User Guide!!! info
For more information on how this was built and deployed, as well as other Python best
practices, see [`dbt-serverless`](https://github.com/JeremyLG/dbt-serverless).
!!! info
This user guide is purely an illustrative example that shows off several features of
[Material for MkDocs](https://squidfunk.github.io/mkdocs-material/) and included Markdown
First, install Poetry:
=== “Linux/macOS”
curl -sSL https://install.python-poetry.org | python3 -
=== “Windows”
(Invoke-WebRequest -Uri https://install.python-poetry.org -UseBasicParsing).Content | py -
Then install the fact
package and its dependencies:
poetry install
Activate the virtual environment created automatically by Poetry:
poetry shell